Urgent Message to Clients with WordPress Sites
Web hosts across the world are currently experiencing a huge DDoS attack that is specifically targeting WordPress installations on shared hosting platforms.
Some web hosts services have started removing access to wp-login; however our hosting partners (HeartInternet) have refrained from doing this as it would mean access to our clients website’s WordPress control panel would not be possible. Our hosting partners have added an extra layer of security to help fend off this attack and still gives you access to your control panel.
Whilst this attack is on-going, you may find that when trying to login to your WordPress Admin you are prompted for a username and password not previously required (in addition to your usual login details). The credentials for this login are:
Username: …
Password: …
This automated attack is affecting WordPress websites globally and is not targeted at a particular web host, which is why we’re happy to make the login details above public.
As soon as normal service is resumed, this prompt will be removed and the above credentials will no longer be required.
– See more at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:LKIOmw_69CgJ:www.bcdd.co.uk/web-design-blog+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=es&client=firefox-a#sthash.egMRMMVZ.dpuf